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Historic Red Rock Bill Hearing is this Thursday! 

The big day is almost here -- America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act will be heard before the House Subcommittee on

Watch the America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act hearing online!  Visit the Natural Resources Committee web page beginning at 10am EST.

National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands this Thursday, October 1, at 10am EST!  


Witnesses testifying in support of the bill will be:

  • Rocky Anderson, Former Mayor Salt Lake City  
  • Bryson Garbett, President Garbett Homes, Salt Lake Home Builders President, Former Utah State Representative
  • Peter Metcalf, CEO Black Diamond, Small Business Person of the Year from Utah, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year

This long-awaited opportunity has only come because of the dedicated efforts of redrock activists like you across the country who have built a large base of support in Congress for Utah wilderness.

Now, we need your help to make this hearing successful!  Here is what you can do:

  1. If your Representative is a cosponsor on the subcommittee, please call his/her DC office and ask him/her to attend the hearing and support the bill in his/her statements and questioning of witnesses.  This is extremely important because members of Congress have very busy schedules and need to hear that you care enough about this issue to want them to attend the hearing.

  2. If your Representative is not a cosponsor, please ask him/her to sign onto America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act before the hearing.  If you need contact information for your Representative’s DC office, please email SUWA’s National Grassroots Organizer, Jackie Feinberg, at

  3. If you live in the DC area, the hearing is open to the public.  If you are able to attend, the hearing will be in Room 1334 of the Longworth House Office Building starting at 10:00am.  There will be a few other bills considered before America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act, so we expect that the hearing will last for a few hours.  For more information or directions, please contact SUWA’s National Grassroots Organizer, Jackie Feinberg, at or 202-266-0474.

Thank you for all of your help and support! 

The SUWA Staff